Michael Shyka……go ahead…………. Google him.
What pops up? “Michael Shyka, Wild and Free” along with pages, upon pages, of other “Michael Shyka” information. “Wild and Free”……describing one of his many beautiful collections, but having known him since our “John Bapst” days, it describes the man himself. 170 Vivid, the Gallery that he shares with Sally Gilbert, at 170 Park Street, is where he is creating these beautiful handpainted silks. The name of the studio truly demonstrates the work that is created there. The beautiful fabric is a big part of it, but the fashion design is out of this world! His work is best known in South Beach, on Collins Avenue. But here he is…. in BANGOR, MAINE. We all are benefiting from the fact that it was here that he grew up. Do yourself a favor and visit the studio to enjoy his silk work. The wall hangings, pillows and fashion design are well worth the trip.
You won’t want to miss Sally’s paintings, felt masks, and other creations while you are there. Watch for a blog on Sally in the not too distant future.
You can also enjoy his creations at the Bangor Public Library until the end of November. His collection, “Visions from the Agean”, a visual narrative of his travels in Greece, are available for viewing during library hours. Just imagine… a silk painting artist that worked with famous designer Micheal Katz creates fashion in our downtown…. a dream realized at 170 Vivid, on Park Street in Bangor.
Michael offers lessons in silk painting, you can reach him at 305-333-9964. Visit http://www.bpl.lib.me.us/Events/featured_artist.html , to read more about the man behind the silk.
Of course Bart is one of Michael’s biggest fans. Here he is visiting the studio, taking a rest on the “really cool” bed with the beautiful silk pillows. Michael even let him play with the big white tiger that adorns the front window.